June 7, 2017- Sid Smith, with Predictable Traction, recently wrote an article breaking down the phrase “Employer Branding” and discerning how it can be done properly. (See full article here).
Smith does a great job stating the fact that while it is important for employers to brand their company, promoting the company culture is even more vital. In other words, as Smith says, “the quality of your culture is at the heart of your Employer brand”. By promoting a healthy and successful culture, the right employees will be attracted to your company.
So, what does a successful company culture look like? In my opinion, a successful company culture enables employees to flourish. This means challenging employees to grow, encouraging them to be productive and efficient, and creating an environment conducive to honest and open communication. If employees find that your company pushes them to develop as an individual, expects them to be productive, and provides a safe space for them to share their thoughts and opinions, your culture is successful and prosperous.
Using terminology in your advertisements that accurately describes your desired culture ensures that the right candidates are attracted to your company. By hiring employees that share the desire to grow, be productive, and communicate, your company culture will solidify. As Smith himself said, “Great employees flock to great cultures.” Once employees hear about how great your culture is, they’ll come knocking on your door just to ask if they can work for you.
Lexi Goebel – Summer Intern – 503- 430-0294