Clackamas County – Community Impact Awards are presented by the Clackamas County Community Action Board to honor individuals and organizations that achieve significant results fighting poverty and helping low income individuals and families overcome barriers and build upon their natural strengths and abilities.
Karen Anderson has been a Board Member of LOTSM since 2014. LOTSM provides shelter to homeless families in need and in transition. LOTSM (Lake Oswego Transitional Shelter Ministry) is a group of 7 churches actively creating solutions to alleviate homelessness in our community. LOTSM provides two shelters and additional services: life-mentoring in budgeting, nutrition, parenting and housekeeping; tutoring; facilitating child care; providing enrichment experiences for children; and transportation.
Please congratulate Karen Anderson from Acumen Talent Search for her inspiring work. Karen and LOTSM will be honored at the award dinner May 25th, 2016.
Acumen Executive & Talent Search believes in giving back and supporting our community. Congratulations Karen!